Thursday, June 18, 2009

Mainsite WOD:

For time:

50 Wall-ball shots
50 Pull-ups
35 Wall-ball shots
35 Pull-ups
20 Wall-ball shots
20 Pull-ups

Use 20 pound medicine ball launched to a target ten feet above the ground.

"Nasty Girls" really took its toll on all of us. Great efforts! Here is Kevin trying to figure out what just happened to him. If you're left in a daze after a workout that means you hit it hard. Keep it up!

Results From Deadlift 1RM + "Nasty Girls":

Sage: n/a + 9:29(jumping bar muscle ups/95#)
Chris: 155(hang poer snatch) + 7:56 rx'd
Tarolyn: 165 + 9:50 (21 mod pull ups/45#)
Katey: 145 + 10:32 (21 dips/45#)
Kevin: 305 + 10:25 (21 pull ups + 21 dips/135#)
Tina: 135 + 9:57 (21 dips/45#)
Jenna: 110 + 8:41 (21 dips/45#)
Carol: n/a + 9:10 (21 dips/10#)
Eric: n/a + 17:25 (21 dips/10#)

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