Saturday, March 14, 2009

"52 Pick Up From Hell"

This one is courtesy of CrossFit Centurion:

A deck of cards will be your undoing. Draw a card from the deck. Whatever number value appears on the card is the number of reps of exercises to be done. The suit determines the movement. Face cards and Aces have special values. The movements and values are down below. Enjoy!

Diamonds - Sit ups
Spades - Push Ups
Hearts - Pull Ups
Clubs - Squats

Jacks - 11 reps
Queens - 12 reps
Kings - 15 Reps
Aces - 15 Burpees

One point for each card completed in 20 minutes.

1 comment:

Chris Michelmore - Spartan Swimming CrossFit said...

Chris: 52 (Chest2Bar. Last card was burpees finished in 20:40)

Nikki: 33

Carol: 35