Thursday, May 21, 2009

Spartan WOD:

Another great day in the garage. Here's Jenna being camera shy, and Margerie and Daylinda showing some good synchronization.

Chuck was busy doing baby holds for time while others were busy running their hearts out.

Here's Sheri running to the finish, and Kevin hustling on the squats. Great work everyone!!!

Wod for today: (modified from US CrossFit)

150 Hang Power Cleans, 95# For Time
Every 1:30 sec you must stop and complete 5 Knee to elbow and 5 24" Box Jumps to buy back in. The clock never stops running for the Knee to elbows and Box Jumps. Thus if it takes you 30 seconds to complete the 10 reps then you only have one minute left to do hang power cleans.