Saturday, May 9, 2009

Affiliate Throwdown in S.F.

The Team competition was awesome in San Francisco! The wod was as follows:

4 person team:

.3 mile run out and back
2 people carry 135# sled
1 person carrying 75# pole
1 person rest/jog

At turn around every teammate must do 30 burpees. If you drop the pole every teammate must do 20 burpee penalty.

Here's a highlight video from WOD C at the NorCal Qualifier.

2009 NorCal Regional Qualifiers Men's Finals, CrossFit Games Preview - video [wmv] [mov]

1 comment:

Chris Michelmore - Spartan Swimming CrossFit said...

Our team took 4th place over all with a time of 12:02.