Saturday, April 18, 2009

Heavy "Elizabeth"


155# Power Clean
Ring Dips

Post time to comments.

Here's a great video demo of this workout as rx'd with squat cleans at 135#:


Chris Michelmore - Spartan Swimming CrossFit said...


155# Power Cleans
Ring Dips


Chris Michelmore - Spartan Swimming CrossFit said...

800m Run For Time:

2:45 (PR by 6 secs)

Chris Michelmore - Spartan Swimming CrossFit said...

4 rounds for time
400m Odd Object Carry
50 Squats

Kevin 16:14 w/25# plate, as rx'd
Olivia 16:39 w/10# medball, sub jumprope for run
Pete 17:12 w/18# kb, sub 25 squats
BJ 22:20 w/20# medball, as rx'd